My Moment

How does it feel when you finally begin to do everything that you finally said you were going to do…

A trip around the world?...Really…

Are you Serious?

Yes! I am…I need this…

My moment, My time, my rediscovery, my reason, my why.

A moment to embark on the side I have always kept hidden.

See the world, take adventure, be your true authentic self

Listen to your heart, mind, body, and soul.

Connect to you…the real you.

Today I stand before you in one of my proudest moments.

I did this!

I committed to this!

I am living this!

My Moment,

My Time, 

My Rediscovery, 

My Reason


My Why

So that I can continue to live

My truth… to have control over my life

Live a life that I love being a part of.

Embracing my fear

And more than ever 


This is my moment!


BUT…Where have I been?


My Guilt